Diploma Recognition (Nostrification) in Slovenia
Why is diploma recognition necessary?
1. Diploma recognition is necessary for employment in Slovenia.
Recognition of education at the specialist level will allow you to engage in professional activities in Slovenia:
- Get a job in your recognized specialty;
- Open a private practice or start a new business, and not just obtain a work permit for a foreign representative (dovoljenje/soglasje za tujega zastopnika), but directly work in your company as a specialist based on a work permit.
According to current legislation, a foreign citizen has the right to confirm their education in Europe. If you already have higher education obtained in your home country and plan to work in your specialty in Slovenia, you have the opportunity to get recognition of your foreign education and qualifications from the Ministry of Education of Slovenia.
The application for qualification recognition is submitted to the Ministry of Education of Slovenia.
The decision on qualification recognition is made based on the conformity of the educational programs in subjects and hours closest to your diploma.
2. Diploma recognition is necessary for those planning to enroll in Slovenian educational institutions for the second and third levels of education (master’s and doctoral degrees). For university admission, diploma recognition is handled by the university’s special service.
Recognition of educational documents for professions such as doctor, teacher, architect, etc., is carried out through an advanced procedure and will require the candidate to take additional exams or confirm their qualifications in Slovenia.
The result of recognition will be a Decision on the recognition of professional qualifications in Slovenia. You will receive a corresponding document stating that your specialty, obtained in your home country, is recognized as equivalent (in Slovenian: vrednotenje izobraževanja) to a Slovenian title.